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202 Forest Street
Jacksonville, FL 32204

Donation for Memorial Tag


Talented artists from Jacksonville and beyond have joined up with Friends of Jacksonville Animals to create a new line of custom designed merchandise to support our homeless animals at Animal Care and Protective Services. All proceeds from the sale of this merchandise go to FOJA to continue to fund their programs. 

Donation for Memorial Tag


Donation for Memorial Tag


Looking for a way to memorialize a beloved pet? For a $5 donation, FOJA will incorporate your pet’s dog/cat tag into the art installation at the City Shelter.

This #GivingTuesday, instead of simply asking for donations, we wanted to give our donors a chance to leave their mark on Jacksonville's shelter pets forever. That is why this year we are launching a campaign to create an art installation within the city shelter, Animal Care & Protective Services. This art installation will be made entirely of unused city license tags from previous years and memorial tags from pets that have passed on. Each tag will become part of the city animal shelter by way of a beautiful public art piece.

Furthermore, between now and January 1st, an anonymous donor will be matching every donation made, dollar-for-dollar! For just $5, you can donate to a great cause AND become part of something that will be on display and enjoyed by two-legged and four-legged friends for years to come. What better way to show your support of Jacksonville's shelter animals?!

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Once your purchase has been made, we will send you a postage paid envelope along with a thank you letter. Simply place the tag of the pet you wish to memorialize within the envelope and send it back to us. Your pet’s legacy will be remembered in our public art installation in the city shelter.